PIXELACHE HELSINKI 2010 EXHIBITIONS Please notice that most of the exhibitions will close already on Sunday 28th March! *

Shaina Anand and Ashok Sukumaran (India) Anisotropics (as part of Pixelache’s annual Signals from the South programme), presents a series of projects based on temporary public works, media interventions and other artistic probes into technologies, communities and spaces in cities of the South. >> More information On view until March 28 at MUU gallery Opening times: Wed-Fri 12-17, Sat - Sun 12-16 *

Antoni Abad (ES), Domenec (ES), Rotor (ES), Sitesize (ES) This exhibition with Barcelona-based artists explores the city not just as formed by physical space, but also as a collective construction, made up of memories, desires and experiences ot its inhabitants. >> More information On view between March 24 - April 8 at Myymälä2 Gallery Opening times: Wed-Sat 12-18, Sun 12-17, Mon & Tue closed *

Dash Macdonald (UK), Demitrios Kargotis (UK) From remote controlled roller skates which place the artists fate in the hands of the audience, to a machine that proffers soft scoop ice cream depending on the perceived happiness of the user, and to a workshop teaching primary school children political spin and the art of successful persuasion, Dash & Dem’s work aims to de-condition, exposing the potency of existing socio-political systems to manufacture, control and dictate our behaviour by publicly staging social experiments and interventions in which objects serve as the catalyst. >> More information On view between March 23-28 at Akkuna Gallery Opening times: Tue-Sat 12-18, Sun 12-16 *

Windowfarms Finland / Experimental installation consisting of vertical, hydroponic window gardens built using specialised & recycled materials, some of which will be harvested for Herbologies workshops. >> More information Kasvitietotalkoot / A project in which online information about useful and edible flora in urban environment is published collectively by using already existing wiki-projects. This material is then used for botanical signs to be placed in appropriate locations in the city. Art Meets Energy Consumption / The proposals for artworks related to collective energy consumption in Helsinki area, in the context of the competition co-organised by Pixelache & Helsinki Energy. >> More information Megaphonebooth Helsinki / A coin-operated megaphone which will be temporarily installed in Helsinki public space in May 2010. >> More information On view between March 25-28 at Kiasma Lobby Kiasma Opening Hours: Mon closed, Tue 10-17, Wed-Fri 10-20.30, Sat-Sun 10-18 *

Golan Levin (US) An exhibition of interactive artworks by Golan Levin (US) that explore our relationship with machines and make visible our ways of interacting with each other. >> More information On view until March 28 at Kiasma Mediatheque Kiasma Opening Hours: Mon closed, Tue 10-17, Wed-Fri 10-20.30, Sat-Sun 10-18 *

Association of Experimental Electronics (FI), MIM project (EE) and the Art & Sustaininility Workshop participants In the art and theatre worlds in general, the environmental impact of the use of various technologies is rarely talked about. However theater is wasting electricity live for light and sound, when visual art consumes most energy in the storage after it has been exhibited. The Self-sustainable party container is our attempt to search for new less harmful alternatives. Our aim is to build a set that will produce it’s own electricity, consist of mostly recycled materials and have a modular structure, so all parts can and will be used for something else after the festival. Our piece will work on wind, solar and muscle power of the participants. >> More information Located in front of Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art On view between March 25-28 Kiasma Opening Hours: Mon closed, Tue 10-17, Wed-Fri 10-20.30, Sat-Sun 10-18 *
Ben Brown (US), Iheanyi Umez-Eronini (US), Geoff Gordon (US), Sue Ann Hong (US), Marek Michalowski (US), Paul Scerri (US), Axel Straschnoy (FI/ARG), Garth Zeglin (US) The first exhibition of a collaborative research project by roboticists from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and artist Axel Straschnoy. It aims to find out what kind of art robots make for other robots. Two robots have been designed and built: one that can make performance art and another one that can watch it. >> More information On view until May 30 at Kerava Art Museum Opening times: Mon closed, Tue-Fri 12-18, Sat-Sun 11-17 *

Pall Thayer (IS), Wayne Clements (UK), Martin Howse (UK), Graham Harwood (UK) The computer as theater, as writer of love letters, the computer as world, a place for revolution, art as executable. chmod +x art presents artists that turn our ideas, dreams and fantasies about machines and code up side down and show programming as an infinitely intriguing way of creating. >> More information On view until May 30 at Kerava Art Museum Opening times: Mon closed, Tue-Fri 12-18, Sat-Sun 11-17 *