The Pixelversity Waste/d project explores waste management systems, Trashlab repair cafe, and creative material sustainability issues, in collaboration with different partners. This thematic develops new angles for Trashlab, and incorporates the 2013 Recycling Olympic Games.

Every first tuesday of the month during 2014 we organise Trashlab fixing/hacking event in Kaupunkiverstas, Lasipalatsi from 16-19.
4th of March event will focus on fixing and tuning clothes. It is hosted by Lotta Remming ( Sewing machines and overlock sewing machines are available, as well as some basic materials. Well also have tools and experts for those who wish to repair other items or devices.
Trashlab (formerly known as Trashlab Repair Cafe) events are social occasions to gather and try to fix the things you have that are broken, and...

4th of February Trashlab is hosted by Mikko Laajola - specialist in electronics and general stuff and Eero Yli-Vakkuri, horse-, scissors- and electronics specialist.
Trashlab (formerly known as Trashlab Repair Cafe) events are social occasions to gather and try to fix the things you have that are broken, and meet others who care about tinkering, fixing, hacking, and the problem of waste and obsolescence in society. For each event we have at least two...

Every first tuesday of the month during 2014 we organise Trashlab fixing/hacking event in Kaupunkiverstas, Lasipalatsi from 16-19.
7.1. event special theme: electronic devices with Albert Laine
Trashlab (formerly known as Trashlab Repair Cafe) events are social occasions to gather and try to fix the things you have that are broken, and meet others who care about tinkering, fixing, hacking, and the problem of waste and obsolescence in society. For each event we have at least two expert-hosts, who will try to identify the problems or diagnose the broken item. We encourage people also to...

Each month during 2013 we organise and promote a Trashlab repair café event at a different location. In November, our last workshop of the year, well meet in Aalto Fablab in Arabianranta, onSaturday 16.11. from 12 to 16.00.
Aalto Fablabis an open and free-for-all workshop, which is equipped with 3D-printer, vinyl cutter and so on. It is a service provided to Aalto staff, researchers & students from Monday-Friday, with Tuesday afternoon being their regular open period for anyone else to come along.
In this specially arranged Saturday-afternoon session, our old friend and a DIY-wizard...

Each month during 2013 we organise and promote aTrashlabRepair Cafe event at a different location.. In October, Kaupunkiverstas -- Helsinki City Library's new maker space on the site ofKohtaamispaikka in Lasipalatsi-- hosts the next repair café event on Wednesday 2nd October from 14:00-18:00. However, this is just a pilot event, and monthly events have been negotiated to take place in same location monthly during 2014.
Prototype Helsinkiand Kohtaamispaikka@lasipalatsi have organised theKaupunkiverstas(Urban Workshop) series of events which are planned for urban citizens, urban activists,...
Each month during 2013 we organise and promote a Trashlab Repair Cafe event at a different location.Arkadia International Bookshop(Nervanderinkatu 11, Helsinki) hosts September's repair cafe event onSaturday 7.9. from 12.00 - 17.00. It is likely to be the biggestTrashlabrepair cafe 'fix-fest' so far! Don't miss it, Tervetuloa, welcome!
Arkadiais a large second-hand bookshop and a venue for a wide range of events. They offer space for tranquility, writing and thought. They also have a chapel, a piano, a pool table, a boa and much else that is appealing. They take great pride in being a...

During the "Metal Scavenging is Alchemy" waste expedition, blacksmithJesse Sipolaand artistEero Yli-VakkurifromOre.e Refinerieswill escort participants into the world of Copper Scavenging fromFriday 30.8. at 10.00. This waste expedition is the 3rd organised within the context of thePixelversity 2013Waste/d theme. The expedition will take participants for a bike trip fromHakaniementori (Helsinki downtown) to Tattarisuo (near Malmi), to cash in the copper withNiemen Romukauppa Oy.Don't delay sign up today! (Max. 12 participants, first come first served)
Copperis one of the first metals...