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Piksel11 & Pixelache Software of the Year 2012
17 November 2011,
Nathalie Aubret
The 9th annual Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Technological Freedom launches today in Bergen! The festival subtitle re:public connects to various strategies for rethinking and redefining public space, both as a concrete physical space, and in a larger social and political context. More info about the festival programme.
We are pleased to announce that the Pixelache Software of the Year 2012 title is this time given to din - din is noise and will be featured at Piksel through a workshop and presentation.
din is a Free software musical instrument exclusively for the GNU/Linux operating system made by the Indian programmer S. Jagannathan. din - din is noise presents an innovative way of generating live music from a simple visual interface based on Bezier curves, and is a good example of how creative and DIY technologies can foster new approaches and solutions that escapes the leading rules of the software industry.
It forgets history,
To not repeat it.
It doesnt hide analog music hardware,
In digital music software.
You had pulse, sine, triangle and sawtooth,
And went forth and made electronic music.
Now there is just the Bezier curve.
Pixelache Software of the Year is an initiative by Pixelache Network, started in 2008. The chosen software for the first year was Animata, a live animation software by Kitchen Budapest. In 2010 it was divided by the live CD distributions pure:dyne between GOTO10 and APODIO by APO33.
More information:
din - din is noise
We are pleased to announce that the Pixelache Software of the Year 2012 title is this time given to din - din is noise and will be featured at Piksel through a workshop and presentation.
din is a Free software musical instrument exclusively for the GNU/Linux operating system made by the Indian programmer S. Jagannathan. din - din is noise presents an innovative way of generating live music from a simple visual interface based on Bezier curves, and is a good example of how creative and DIY technologies can foster new approaches and solutions that escapes the leading rules of the software industry.
It forgets history,
To not repeat it.
It doesnt hide analog music hardware,
In digital music software.
You had pulse, sine, triangle and sawtooth,
And went forth and made electronic music.
Now there is just the Bezier curve.
Pixelache Software of the Year is an initiative by Pixelache Network, started in 2008. The chosen software for the first year was Animata, a live animation software by Kitchen Budapest. In 2010 it was divided by the live CD distributions pure:dyne between GOTO10 and APODIO by APO33.
More information:
din - din is noise