Pixelache is excited to work in collaboration with lumbung Radio and Station of Commons on the Forum The state we are in; Sustainability through collective actions, happening on 2.-3. September 2023 at MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre and broadcasted live.
Who is Station of Commons ?
Initiated in 2020, Station of Commons is a research platform on digital commoning practices. SoC, Station of Commons in short, stands for the reappropriation of technology within the public space, how an art collective can develop their practices and still find distance from Facebook, Instagram, Youtube… SoC operates Open Source audio stream, develops and builds Open Source infrastructure and elaborates discourses on practical and theoretical issues related to radical technology. SoC is always excited to work with all form of collectives, from grass root dj groups to art institution at international level.
Who is lumbung Radio ?
Lumbung Radio is an inter-local online community radio originating from Documenta fifteen. It is an open online broadcast that comprises of an inter-local network of distinct radios and audio practices. It operates in no specific time zones, and streams multiple languages, music, and art. Each participating radio station depends on its own means of production, way of thinking, learning, and sharing. lumbung Radio operates as a decentralized network of nodes that uses internet without its hegemonic agency. The intention is producing an audiophonic common space built on the multiplication of the existing practices of its contributors.
Station of Commons and lumbung Radio involvement as collaborators of the Forum:
The work, or artistic contribution, operates a three sequential levels within the collaboration. These three levels develops as follow. First, the collaboration happens online with international guests in a gallery based in Helsinki. The essential work is to bring lumbung participants together with the local Helsinki scene and Pixelache invitees. The event happens in Helsinki in discussion with lumbung participants and other collectives, mutual acknowledgement of shared work is important in a collective effort. The various discussions will be broadcasted online.
And for this purpose, the second level was an opportunity to test and implement Jamulus. Jamulus is an online Open Source server that allows multiple users to talk with high audio quality.
Last point, that is not trivial, is the chance to hear from, and share with other collectives on their radio and audio practices; this moment when personal approaches and professional interests converge to make new friends.
See you at MUU and on live broadcast on Station of Commons platform on 2.-3. September 2023 !
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The state we are in; Sustainability Through Collective Actions
Saturday 2.- Sunday 3. September
at MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre (Kaapelitehdas) and on air
Organised as a Forum, guests and participants will gather to discuss the current crises we are facing in our society as; rise of the far right in Europe, climate urgency, extractivism, extended precarity and social welfare cuts, to mention a few.
Broadcasting while sharing together, the forum will tackle how this current climate of ecological and political crisis are intertwined with our lives.