Education Engineering Days is an invite-based 3-day unconference event at Otaniemi (Espoo) and Suvilahti (Helsinki) sites, from 27th to 29th October which gathers an international community of professionals changing the global education landscape.
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The term ‘education engineers’, suggested by the organizers for joint discussion, implies an emerging profile of professionals who successfully develop, implement, and adjust educational practices; and by doing so, aiming to supplement – or to be an alternative to – traditional tertiary education, and to satisfy perceived real world needs.
We welcome you to join the public ‘Lightning Talks’ session on Monday 28th October from 18.00 to 21.00/6-9pm (Helsinki time), to be held at Startup Sauna (Betonimiehenkuja 3 D, Otaniemi, Espoo). NB: This event will also be streamed live via this channel;
If you plan to attend physically, please register via Eventbrite so we can prepare appropriately.
With the focus on presence-based youth and adult education practices, the event organised by GameChangers and Pixelache will gather 25 representatives of pioneering education projects from Europe, Russia and United States (See below synopsis of all participants).The unconference will take place at two culturally different districts – Otaniemi in Espoo, and Suvilahti in Helsinki. The majority of the event is to be held as an internal discussion by the invited group of participants, although documentations will be gathered for a wider audience. Topics for discussion include: Visions & missions, Formats & tools, Methodologies, Changing roles, Funding & organisation/business models, Outreach, Admission/participation & alumni, Campuses or sites of learning, Collaboration & learning models.
More: http://www.pixelache.ac/pixelversity/programme-2013/eedays
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