News / Pixelversity

Trashlab programme in 2014
tiistai 18. helmikuuta 2014,
Andrew Gryf Paterson
After a nomadic year 2013 of Trashlab repair workshops touring different studios and maker spaces in Helsinki, the activity in 2014 has now settled into Kaupunkiverstas, the city library´s maker space in Lasipalatsi. The maker space is a recent initative by the library, which responds to the library´s users feedback and ideas of an open workshop space. Trashlab activists also had a role in the development of the space and it´s facilities: Albert Laine, Eero Yli-Vakkuri, Andrew Paterson and myself (Päivi Raivio) participated in the co-planning process during a workshop organised by the city library in Aalto University´s makerspace Aalto FabLab. It is rewarding to see the space now in action, and open for cooperation with independent initiatives like Trashlab. We are there on the first Tuesday of each month between 16-19.
While Trashlab´s focus has recently been in organising repair workshops and raising awareness of DIY repair-skills, it will, purposelly remain undefined about what we all mean by fixing, what is trash/waste or even what are appropriate skills. The spectrum of Trashlab will remain as wide as possible, allowing people, with different scopes of interest to develop and define the meanings with us.
Regular repair meetings have a great potential to become one of the Kaupunkiverstas basic services. Just like borrowing a book, we could get tools and advice for fixing our broken devices and personal items, to prevent waste by increasing the lifecycle and use of them. In addition to the basic knowledge of fixing, we constantly need new creative ways to use waste, deal with waste, and avoid it. This is because the issue and problematics of waste are more and more complex, and it is necessary to also consider the subject at larger management and system levels.
We have planned the year´s programme (see within Pixelversity 2014 schedule) keeping a broad approach in mind. In addition to the monthly Trashlabs, we will do waste related field trips, extract valuable metal from broken laptops and refine it, aim to build a trash-raft to Camp Pixelache in Vartiosaari, photograph the world through trash-lenses, and hopefully compete again in the Recycling Olympic Games.
And as always, Trashlab is open for proposals of waste-related activities and ideas.
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Trashlab explores experimental art-design-technology practice between hacker and maker cultures, in the context of re/up-cycling and the increased availability of new fabrication tools. Trashlab’s objective is to build up a community of people (artists, designers, hackers, makers, re/up-cyclers, activists) who are concerned with material and electronic waste in contemporary society, and tackle this problem with creative and tangential approaches.We follow the aim to encourage a peer-based learning environment related to hacking electronics, repair practices, appropriate technology for...
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28. helmikuuta 2016 00.00,
John W. Fail

Pixelache launched it's 2016 Trashlab programme with an afternoon session in the sculpture department of Kuvataideakateemia's kitchen. Hosted by Pixelache's Justin Tyle Tate, the session found a variety of participants fixing clothes, electronics, toys, and bicycles, with some experimentation as well. Trashlab will continue throughout the year with regular activities. Check back here or on the usual channels for more information and announcements. Some photos from yesterday's session are shown above, and you may also find the whole gallery on Flickr.
1. lokakuuta 2013 00.20,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

Trashlab korjauskahvila / repair cafe Keskiviikona / Wednesday 2.10. klo 16-19. Kaupunkiverstas - Kohtaamispaikka@Lasipalatsi [SUOMEKSI TEKSTI ALLA] Each month during 2013 we organise and promote a Trashlab Repair Cafe event at a different location.. In October, Kaupunkiverstas -- Helsinki City Library's new maker space on the site of Kohtaamispaikka in Lasipalatsi -- hosts the next repair café event on Wednesday 2nd October from 14:00-18:00. However, this is just a pilot event, and monthly events have been negotiated to take place in same location monthly during 2014. Prototype Helsinki...
5. helmikuuta 2013 12.00,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

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10. lokakuuta 2015 00.00,
Nathalie Aubret

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