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Summercamp Electrified
16 June 2010,
Juha Huuskonen
One more summercamp! This one is organised by our friends in Ghent, Belgium.
Summercamp Electrified from 17th till 26th of June 2010
From June 17 till 27 the second edition of Summercamp Electrified will take place in Ghent. Summercamp Electrified is a ten day intensive encounter between 12 local and international artists with the city as a setting and timelab as a motor. The backgrounds of the invited artists is very diverse, what they have in common is a bunch of inspiration and an open spirit. Openness and exchange is at the heart of the summercamp.
Throughout the week there will be workshops and lectures taking place that are open for everybody (see the program below). Saturday june 26th is the presentationday for which we want to invite a broad audience. The artists will share their ideas or proposals, starting at 4pm at Zuidpark. The full program will be announced later.
The artists participating in Summercamp Electrified are:
Maria Lucia Cruz Correia - Niklas Roy - Marie-Laure Delaby - Paolo Cirio - Yannick Franck - Frederik De Wilde - Naomi Kerkhove - Wouter Decorte - Geraldine Juarez - Jari Suominen - Andreas Zingerle - Juan Duque
More on the artists:
These are the lectures, workshops and presentations throughout the Summercamp:
sat 19.06.2010 – 7pm - Lecture ‘Flesh, Steel and Codecs’ – by Angelo Vermeulen and Eisa Jocson
sun 20.06.2010 – 3pm - Pirate Picknick about copyright and privacy by Geraldine Jaurez
mon 21.06.2010 – 2pm - introduction to timelab’s fabFood project by Kurt Stockman
tue 22.06.2010 – 7pm - lecture Paolo Cirio 'crossmedia storytelling through the use of public space and personal device'
wed 23.06.2010 – 2pm - workshop Andreas Zingerle ‘Solargraphy – Longtime exposures using DIY-Pinhole Cameras‘.
do 24.06.2010 – 2pm - workshop Maria Lucia Cruz Correia 'City-Re think of Ill-ness'
do 24.06.2010 – 7pm - introduction DIY gardening automatisations by Kurt Stockman
za 26.06.2010 - 4pm - PRESENTATIONDAY - Summercamp Electrified 2010.
The exact program will be announced later online. For sure we set a date at the Zuidpark at 4pm for the start of the presentations.
Summercamp Electrified is a collaboration between timelab Vooruit Arts Centre and is being supported by Interreg in the frame of Transdigital. Also thanks to Medialab Prado Madrid, Pixelache Helsinki, constant vzw Brussels en Transcultures Mons
Summercamp Electrified from 17th till 26th of June 2010
From June 17 till 27 the second edition of Summercamp Electrified will take place in Ghent. Summercamp Electrified is a ten day intensive encounter between 12 local and international artists with the city as a setting and timelab as a motor. The backgrounds of the invited artists is very diverse, what they have in common is a bunch of inspiration and an open spirit. Openness and exchange is at the heart of the summercamp.
Throughout the week there will be workshops and lectures taking place that are open for everybody (see the program below). Saturday june 26th is the presentationday for which we want to invite a broad audience. The artists will share their ideas or proposals, starting at 4pm at Zuidpark. The full program will be announced later.
The artists participating in Summercamp Electrified are:
Maria Lucia Cruz Correia - Niklas Roy - Marie-Laure Delaby - Paolo Cirio - Yannick Franck - Frederik De Wilde - Naomi Kerkhove - Wouter Decorte - Geraldine Juarez - Jari Suominen - Andreas Zingerle - Juan Duque
More on the artists:
These are the lectures, workshops and presentations throughout the Summercamp:
sat 19.06.2010 – 7pm - Lecture ‘Flesh, Steel and Codecs’ – by Angelo Vermeulen and Eisa Jocson
sun 20.06.2010 – 3pm - Pirate Picknick about copyright and privacy by Geraldine Jaurez
mon 21.06.2010 – 2pm - introduction to timelab’s fabFood project by Kurt Stockman
tue 22.06.2010 – 7pm - lecture Paolo Cirio 'crossmedia storytelling through the use of public space and personal device'
wed 23.06.2010 – 2pm - workshop Andreas Zingerle ‘Solargraphy – Longtime exposures using DIY-Pinhole Cameras‘.
do 24.06.2010 – 2pm - workshop Maria Lucia Cruz Correia 'City-Re think of Ill-ness'
do 24.06.2010 – 7pm - introduction DIY gardening automatisations by Kurt Stockman
za 26.06.2010 - 4pm - PRESENTATIONDAY - Summercamp Electrified 2010.
The exact program will be announced later online. For sure we set a date at the Zuidpark at 4pm for the start of the presentations.
Summercamp Electrified is a collaboration between timelab Vooruit Arts Centre and is being supported by Interreg in the frame of Transdigital. Also thanks to Medialab Prado Madrid, Pixelache Helsinki, constant vzw Brussels en Transcultures Mons