Open calls

M.A.R.I.N. summer 2011 residencies
28 February 2011,
Juha Huuskonen
Photo: Sensor development during M.A.R.I.N. Hacklab at the Sea workshop, summer 2010. Picture Tuomo Tammenpää.
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Below you can find info about an open call for proposals for the M.A.R.I.N residencies during summer 2011 around the Baltic Sea.
The Pixelache Helsinki 2011 M.A.R.I.N. workshop will start next week on Monday and the results will be presented as part of Camp Pixelache on Saturday 12 March.
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Media Art Research Interdisciplinary Network – M.A.R.I.N. – will organize two one month long residencies during the summer of 2011 around the Baltic Sea. We invite proposals by artists, scientists or collaborative initiatives to attend either for June or August 2011.
While we are open to many ideas, we hope to get research-oriented proposals that relate with the marine environment. Also projects that look at alternative energy in a nomadic camp, environmental sensors, low power computing are on our wish-list. (In other words, no poetic videos contemplating the sea!)
The June residency themed Sensing the Baltic Sea (June 1st-30th) will be situated on three Baltic Sea islands in Finland and end in Tallinn, Estonia. On each island there are basic facilities, and we will set up our own camp using wind and solar power.
The August residency, themed Cartography and Everyday at Sea (August 1st-31st) will start in Stavanger in Norway, shift to an island in Sweden and finish on a beautiful peninsula in Lithuania.
CALL OPEN FEB 26th – MAR 21st 2011
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Download the FULL CFP as a PDF:
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We look forward to receive your fab proposals!
very best,
M.A.R.I.N. team
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Below you can find info about an open call for proposals for the M.A.R.I.N residencies during summer 2011 around the Baltic Sea.
The Pixelache Helsinki 2011 M.A.R.I.N. workshop will start next week on Monday and the results will be presented as part of Camp Pixelache on Saturday 12 March.
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Media Art Research Interdisciplinary Network – M.A.R.I.N. – will organize two one month long residencies during the summer of 2011 around the Baltic Sea. We invite proposals by artists, scientists or collaborative initiatives to attend either for June or August 2011.
While we are open to many ideas, we hope to get research-oriented proposals that relate with the marine environment. Also projects that look at alternative energy in a nomadic camp, environmental sensors, low power computing are on our wish-list. (In other words, no poetic videos contemplating the sea!)
The June residency themed Sensing the Baltic Sea (June 1st-30th) will be situated on three Baltic Sea islands in Finland and end in Tallinn, Estonia. On each island there are basic facilities, and we will set up our own camp using wind and solar power.
The August residency, themed Cartography and Everyday at Sea (August 1st-31st) will start in Stavanger in Norway, shift to an island in Sweden and finish on a beautiful peninsula in Lithuania.
CALL OPEN FEB 26th – MAR 21st 2011
Fill in the on-line form:
Send any additional material to:
Download the FULL CFP as a PDF:
Or read here:
Facebook events:
We look forward to receive your fab proposals!
very best,
M.A.R.I.N. team