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H/FN at Harvest Festival 18.9., Pispala, Tampere
16 September 2010,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

Welcome to Pispala neighbourhood of Tampere, to Kurpitsatalo's Sadonkorvuujuhla (Harvest Festival), where Herbologies/Foraging Network (H/FN) group present a summary of their work this year, and look forward to future activity that can be schemed over the autumn and winter months.
Their presentations begin at 16.30 until 18.00 featuring Ieva Bernotaite (LT), Ossi Kakko (FI), Andrew Gryf Paterson (SCO/FI), Signe Pucena (LV), Niko Punin (FI), and Ulla Taipale (FI/ES). See schedule below.
We continue afterwards at Pispala Community Library. Organised in collaboration with Pispala Nykytaiteen keskus (Hirvitalo). Following is an associated event, with screening and discussion related to Thai migrant workers in Finland and Sweden, led by Junya Lek Yimprasert (TH) and Richard Thompson Coon (FI).
Lisäntietoja/more info about day's events: Suomeksi/English & facebook event
16.30 - 16.45
Herbologies-Foraging Networks contextual introduction by Ulla (in Finnish)
Questions in Finnish
16.45 - 17.15
Conversation between Signe, Andrew & Ulla about process (in English)
how it was organised, what happened, unexpected outcomes, next steps
17.15 - 17.30
Ieva Bernotaite presenting her plans for Oak exchange between LV+LT (in English)
17.30 - 17.45
About Windowfarms Finland process by Niko (in Finnish)
17.45 - 18.00
Ossi Kakko, outgoing words & experiences (in Finnish)