Misc / Recommended events

12 December 2011,
Kati Hurme
Alternative Design Capital (ADC) arranges a meeting to bring together various emerging 'fab lab' initiatives and other related projects. Everyone who is interested in the topic is welcome to the meeting!
Fab labs offer tools such as laser cutters and 3D printers which designers can use to produce prototypes or small sets of unique objects. Fab labs usually also have an educational purpose and are open for amateurs as well. In addition to fab labs, there are plans to establish some open workshop spaces with focus on do-it-yourself crafts. There are also aspirations to initiate a new festival to celebrate various forms of do-it-yourself crafts and culture.
Date & time: Wednesday 14 December 2011, 6-8 pm
Venue: Valvomo / Oranssi, Suvilahti, Kaasutehtaankatu 1, Helsinki
(call +358 40 570 96 17 / Juha or +358 44 5335868 / Otso if you cannot find the location)
There is a computer + screen available, if you wish to show some visual material to others.
If you cannot join the meeting this time, then please join the first ADC Gathering on Saturday 28 January 2012 afternoon (more information about this will appear soon in www.adc2012.org).
Fab labs offer tools such as laser cutters and 3D printers which designers can use to produce prototypes or small sets of unique objects. Fab labs usually also have an educational purpose and are open for amateurs as well. In addition to fab labs, there are plans to establish some open workshop spaces with focus on do-it-yourself crafts. There are also aspirations to initiate a new festival to celebrate various forms of do-it-yourself crafts and culture.
Date & time: Wednesday 14 December 2011, 6-8 pm
Venue: Valvomo / Oranssi, Suvilahti, Kaasutehtaankatu 1, Helsinki
(call +358 40 570 96 17 / Juha or +358 44 5335868 / Otso if you cannot find the location)
There is a computer + screen available, if you wish to show some visual material to others.
If you cannot join the meeting this time, then please join the first ADC Gathering on Saturday 28 January 2012 afternoon (more information about this will appear soon in www.adc2012.org).