Camping à la BarCamp
06 February 2010,
Juha Huuskonen
We have decided to try out BarCamp-style of programme format for our Camp Pixelache in Kerava. BarCamp is 'an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment', more information at www.barcamp.org. BarCamp is similar to a more generic OST / Open Space Technology.
Our Camp will be a slightly modified version of BarCamp/OST, but the main principle will be the same - the participants themselves will be in charge of the programme of the day, which will be decided upon on arrival at the venue. We will publish more details soon!
This decision means that we will have to cancel the second round of the Call for Proposals - instead, we would like to ask anyone who wants to participate in Camp Pixelache to propose ideas already beforehand (this will be possible in a wiki page, we will add the link to Camp Pixelache page) and to show up on the day to participate.
We would like to thank Mike Bradshaw (organiser of BarCamp Helsinki events) and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen / YKON for helping us to develop the Camp Pixelache programme format.
Our Camp will be a slightly modified version of BarCamp/OST, but the main principle will be the same - the participants themselves will be in charge of the programme of the day, which will be decided upon on arrival at the venue. We will publish more details soon!
This decision means that we will have to cancel the second round of the Call for Proposals - instead, we would like to ask anyone who wants to participate in Camp Pixelache to propose ideas already beforehand (this will be possible in a wiki page, we will add the link to Camp Pixelache page) and to show up on the day to participate.
We would like to thank Mike Bradshaw (organiser of BarCamp Helsinki events) and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen / YKON for helping us to develop the Camp Pixelache programme format.