Member activity

@anupartanen As an immigrant/naturalized Finn, I find this ranking ignorant of recent state policies against refuge…
RT @sytaffel: Can we fix it? The repair cafes waging war on throwaway culture
RT @2fast2quick2see: "Im all you fuckers got left"
RT @camerontw: the only forms of ethics that are actually ethical are those that are also a politics, (undertaking further actions to bring…
RT @AinoLikitalo: No nyt! Kaikki työkaverit valtiolla, aletaanko kirjottaa entistä(kin) selkeämmin? #viestintä #virkamies #ainavaraapetrata…
RT @inlandDesign: Tänään me olemme vetäneet kaksi työpajaa Joutsenossa: henkilökunnalle ja asiakaille. Paljon hyviä ideoita joita voimme ke…
RT @mikkoannala: French manifesto for public sector #innovation: 1. User first: define practices based on user needs and habits 2. Openne…
Proud to have reached 3000 likes on our Facebook page! Thank you all!
@miskaknapek @rasmusvuori Mind you, this is actually about 'Immigrant Happiness', not about per-se Finns, but more…
Early Finns were beautiful! Results from DNA-Analyses (article in Swedish): #browngirls…
Today’s media expedition finds waiting to be repurposed: Minolta 1980s Weathermatic & WW2 era Original Odhner mecha…
@wmmna @mitpress Wow! Super! I think this is categorised then I have thousands of imgs of tree growth since 2010 😁
RT @Info_Activism: Activists Pressure Louvre to Drop Oil Company Sponsorship with Die-in In a protest performance on Monday, activists coll…
*REMINDER* Last day to sign up for the 'Kodin ja konttorin jätehuolto ja lajittelu-koulutus' workshop! Free of char…
RT @Korppiradio: Sound Art Wednesday tonight on Do listen. 21 Mystified music by Thomas Park on Framework Radio #63…
Louvre Me Tender / Louvre Abu Dhabi, French Soft Power seeking the elusive Universal Museum:…
Last day to sign up for the 'Kodin ja konttorin jätehuolto ja lajittelu-koulutus' workshop! Free of charge. Please…
Exciting!: History Wipes / Adel Abidin @AteneumMuseum “what is being wiped from sight: what we seek to blot out and…
Inside the booming black market for Spotify playlists via @dailydot
I finally start to understand something about cryptocurrencies, cryptoworld and blockchain 🤭 😂
RT @dancohen: 20 million books sit in a climate-controlled warehouse in New Jersey that is unmarked on Google Maps. It is the combined coll…
Orgullosa de mi ciudad y sus iniciativas para promoveer la transparencia y la participación
RT @radioambulante: "Ahora que muchos de los perpetradores de crímenes de la dictadura están muriendo de viejos, es el momento de tratar de…
Why Duncan Jones’s Mute Represents a Crossroads for Netflix via @vulture
RT @Korppiradio: Lauantaina 17.3 klo 16 alkaen Eksyneen marjastajan uusi jakso! Aiheena rehellisyys... ja vähän muurahaiset... ja ehkä vähä…
@unity3d for artists Level 2 4-day workshop with @vjfader in Berlin, April 23rd to 26th. Sign up cc4av.platform@gma…