TRASHLAB (formerly known as Trashlab Repair Cafe) events are social occasions to gather, try to fix broken things, while meeting others who care about tinkering, fixing, hacking, and the problem of waste and obsolescence in society. For each event, the expert hosts (Justin Tyler Tate and others, TBD) will try to identify the problems or diagnose the broken item and direct participants on how they can fix their item. We encourage people also to share their skills, learn from peer to peer and develop their own methods. While Trashlab cannot guarantee that all items are fixed (some might get diagnosed, some even more broken) - we can guarantee that participants will get more information on how to proceed with their broken item. Trashlab provides basic tools and materials for fixing, but if you have very specific items, you´d like to fix, please notify us in advance: justate [-at-] gmail.com
More info can be found on the Temporary website.
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