TALSINKI STEREO is a collaborative project between Finnish Academy of FIne Arts, Helsinki (Kuva) and the Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn (Artun) initiated by Caspar Stracke, Prof. for Moving Image, Kuva in collaboration with Raivo Kelomees, Prof. for New Media at Artun.
The project is a visual comparison of various sociological urban phenomena from Tallinn and Helsinki, juxtaposing moving images containing topics such as population density, urban destruction renewal, urban gardening, architectural ornaments, signs and meta-signs, improvised meeting spots. All scenes appear as pairs comprised of a Tallinn and a Helsinki component making use of stereoscopic filmmaking and Kinect depth-sensing technology.
The modi operandi were based on the classical Exquisite Corpse scheme - Tallin students were sending moving image sequences from their city, then Helsinki students responded and vice versa. Stage two of this process then reversed the perspective taking into account the fresh look of the stranger, having Helsinki students picking up Tallinn motives and vice versa.
The results are compiled as a single channel 3D video loop.
Participating artists:
Andrey Bogush, Monika Czyzyk, Walter Dewald, Artos Jesus Inkerö, Linda Mayer, Reija Merilainen, Ruben Ostan Veirup
Hannes Aasamets, Jana Soans, Karri Jurisson, Liisalotte Elme, Mikk Madisson, Taavi Suisalu, Mart Vainre, Hans Gunter Lock
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