The ‘Gold diggers’ dismantling & metal-extraction workshop will take place at this year’s Kierrätystehdas event at Kaapeli on 26.4. and will be led by Albert Laine in co-operation with Delegaatio, as part of Trashlab’s April activities.
At the ‘Gold diggers’ workshop participants will mine old computers in search of valuable metals. Gold digging could be a way to earn some income. It could also be development work. Instead of leaving electronic trash on a derive to the global south, we can dismantle it here. You are most welcome to bring desktop computers to the workshop (the older, the better) to dismantle. We will handle the waste. The workshop is free of cost.
Furthermore, as part of the workshop, Anna Härri from eetti.fi talks about the electronic trash in faraway waste lands (time to be confirmed).
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