News / Open calls / Pixelversity

Open Publishing and Visual Free Culture 17.9.
torstai 6. syyskuuta 2012,
Andrew Gryf Paterson
This OK Festival satellite event focuses on the practice of open (media) publishing and visual free culture. It offers an introduction, consultation, and discussion period for local and regional non-profit organisations to learn more about the ins and outs of open media publishing, from the perspective of graphic design, illustration, booksprints, electronic and physical publishing formats, and licensing perspectives.
Aleksander Erkalovic (Booktype/Booki/FLOSS Manuals) and Mushon Zer-Aviv (Booki/Wikipedia Illustrated) are invited from Zagreb and Tel-Aviv respectively, to make 2 x 30 min presentations, one focusing on a publishing platform (Booktype/Booki) and the other from the perspective of a graphic/web designer and booksprint author.
Following this introduction, the remaining time will be allocated for a Q and A or consulation period with up to 4 non-profit organisations who briefly present their case, to be discussed by those attending, with advice from invited guests. If you are interested to one of the organisations present as consultees, contact andrew [-at-]
The event is organised as a collaboration between Pixelache Helsinki (Pixelversity educational programme) and m-cult.
17.15-18.15: First hour for presentations
15min break
18.30-20.00: 1.5 hrs in consultation time
Aleksander Erkalovic software developer at SourceFabric, lead-developer of Booktype, based in Zagreb. | |
Mushon Zer-Aviv designer, educator and media activist based in Tel Aviv. |
* Image credit: Mushon Zer-Aviv & Yanka, and featured on Wikipedia's article Moustache.
Aleksander Erkalovic (Booktype/Booki/FLOSS Manuals) and Mushon Zer-Aviv (Booki/Wikipedia Illustrated) are invited from Zagreb and Tel-Aviv respectively, to make 2 x 30 min presentations, one focusing on a publishing platform (Booktype/Booki) and the other from the perspective of a graphic/web designer and booksprint author.
Following this introduction, the remaining time will be allocated for a Q and A or consulation period with up to 4 non-profit organisations who briefly present their case, to be discussed by those attending, with advice from invited guests. If you are interested to one of the organisations present as consultees, contact andrew [-at-]
The event is organised as a collaboration between Pixelache Helsinki (Pixelversity educational programme) and m-cult.
Schedule on Monday 17.9.
17.15-18.15: First hour for presentations
15min break
18.30-20.00: 1.5 hrs in consultation time
Short biographies and links
Aleksander Erkalovic software developer at SourceFabric, lead-developer of Booktype, based in Zagreb. | |
Mushon Zer-Aviv designer, educator and media activist based in Tel Aviv. |
* Image credit: Mushon Zer-Aviv & Yanka, and featured on Wikipedia's article Moustache.