Flavour Studio, Teurastamo (Abattoir) Address: Työpajankatu 2, Sörnäinen, Helsinki
Free entrance
This live cooking show forces two teams of artists and scientists to face-off in a kitchen, where they will confront lab grown meat, future food cults, a secret ingredient and the very strong stomachs of the audience. Join us to taste, debate or reject a future where meat from animals has disappeared entirely. The audience will be the judge of these recipes and rituals from the future, helping to decide if mankind should move towards automated protein factories or strange new festivals of excess and penance.
Featuring: Oron Catts (SymbioticA), Cathrine Kramer & Zack Denfeld (The Center for Genomic Gastronomy), Laura Gustafsson (Toisten Historia), Sirpa Kurppa (MTT), Chefs Jouni Ukkonen and Sami Tallberg ArtMeatFlesh is a concept by Oron Catts ( SymbioticA, The University of Western Australia) and is organised as a part of Dinner´s ready, a program and course curated by Ulla Taipale. The event is supported by Aalto University, Flavour Studio and Kellohalli. biofilia.aalto.fi