Member activity

RT @existentialcoms: There is always hope in young people. But every generation turns to shit when the old generation dies and the new gene…
RT @anttiveikko: If the present government doesn’t understand the value of evidence based policy, hopefully the next one will. Me and @joon…
RT @Korppiradio: Akan kirja huomenna torstaina kello 18.00 - 19.00 Haastattelussa kvanttihoitaja Sari Penttinen. Mukana myös monologi ni…
RT @wsisaac: Very concerning use of AI that could negative impacts on low-income communities. This tech is emerging just as many states in…
RT @yleuutiset: THL: Punkkirokote ei suojaa punkeilta, ei edes borrelioosilta
RT @JuliusJaask: Just näin. Ainoa käsitettävä syy, miksi Heinämäkeä, Pekkaa ja Pätkää, Tiernapoikia, Brunbergin suklaasuukkoja ym. on halut…
RT @evgenymorozov: Amazon unleashes innovations on all fronts: its founder invents new ways of conquering space while its employees invent…
Kanadanhanhet eivät muni pesään vaan keskelle peltoa? Pitääkö ryhtyä hautomishommiin?? #lifeinegg
RT @pyllytar: "Ymmärrämme paremmin Disneyn oikeuksia Aku Ankkaan kuin ihmisen oikeuksia sukunsa perintöön" Totta.
RT @TheOnion: Sweating, Shaking Pharmaceutical CEO Says He Can Stop Profiting Off Opioid Epidemic Anytime He Wants…
RT @Info_Activism: In Mexico, an indigenous community telco will continue to operate - for now
RT @Info_Activism: Motherboard Made a Tool That Archives Websites on Demand - mass_archive, a basic Python script, will push a webpage or U…
RT @Info_Activism: Are Google and Facebook Undermining Europe's Privacy Rules?
RT @isabellapoeschl: Brilliant reflection by @futuryst on the experiential futures card game "The Thing from the Future" inviting players t…
Una entrevista a la disen̂adora que más admiro Andrea Botero @andreuchisbo . No se la pierdan!
Suolakurkkuja brändännyt mies
Omiminen ja lainaaminen eivat ole synonyymeja. Taman olisi voinut ottaa paremmin huomioon AntroBlogin vahan hutaist…
Pacified Law and Order Day, citizen! ´ In the earlier part of the 20th century, the US government tried to curb the…
RT @durov: Thank you, each and one of the 12,000+ people who stood up to support the freedom of internet and Telegram today in central Mosc…
RT @Muksunen: Miksi @Maahanmuuttovir'aston #HannaHelinko sanoo, että #siviilit eivät ole iskujen kohde #Afganistan'issa? Ketä nämä ihmiset…
RT @rdevro: NEW: Border Patrol text messages and internal reports indicate the government is treating a faith-based humanitarian group work…
RT @theintercept: The current Israeli government — the most right-wing, anti-peace government in living memory — is bent on demonizing and…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: environmental police (Ibama) seize more than 7000 logs of wood illegally removed from Indigenous land…
RT @Info_Activism: The Internet Archive Can't Preserve the Web's History by Itself
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: head of national rural body says agricultural producers will likely back Bolsonaro in elections…
RT @biret: ”Viihdenikkari kertoo heränneensä hahmon pulmallisuuteen tajuttuaan, ettei ymmärrä alkuunkaan, mitä Punanatan asu, sulkapäähine…
So, S02E02 reveals West world has the same Busines model as Facebook.