New media in ‘the South’ today: Developing open source software tools, hacking and missusing technologies, creating networks outside the reach of the authorities.
- Eléonore Hellio (FR) & Dicoco Boketshu (Congo): MOWOSO collective in Kishasa, Congo
Eléonore Hellio and Dicoco Boketshu will talk about MOWOSO, a new art collective they co-created in KINSHASA and will talk about the relationship young artists and people who live in the "cité" (harsh neighbourhood) have to new media.
- Erik Sandelin & Åsa Ståhl (SE): Burma - Creating art under the radar
You can be our window, a Burmese artist told us. You can tell the world about Burma and you can tell us about the world outside.? This presentation offers glimpses of contemporary Burma reflected in the artworks we made there during a ten-week residency in 2007 and 2008.
Mikko Lipiäinen (FI) has been collaborating with artists from Burma and will also be participating this discussion. www.unsworn.org/burma
- Francesca Bria & Federico Primosig (IT): International cooperation on free software, shared knowledge and digital ecosystems: Italy-Brazil-Venezuela
Francesca Bria: Free lance video journalist, Film Maker and Independent Network Activist
Born in Rome 11-11-1977
She teaches digital media and video journalism in the journalism school of Fondazione Basso and she is active as a free lance video journalist and media activist. She is active in different networking and grassroot projects for the promotion of free culture and free technology like Libero Sapere and the italian Free Hardware Foundation. She is part of the italian subcultural independent media movement, participating in the Telestreet network and initiating projects like P2P Fightsharing and GuerrigliaMarketing. She is consultant and expert on access to knowledge policy for the region of Lazio and the European Commission. She has been coordinating an international cooperation project between Italy and Brazil on Digital Culture and now active in a cooperation between Europe and Venezula on free software and Digital Ecosystems. She is the author of different video documentary and short films on social justice, precarity, migration and new media technology. She writes on the daily newspapers such as "Liberazione" and "Il manifesto" and she works for as a freelance for the satellite channel Rainews 24.
• http://www.ecoysol.org (cooperation with Venezula)
• www.liberosapere.org (grassroot italian organization on access to
• http://www.estudiolivre.org/ (brazilian digital culture)
- Karthikeya Acharya (India): Porn, Play and Persevere - the hybrid space of internet cafes in India.
Karthikeya Acharya is designer and a field researcher currently working with Nokia Research Center in Bangalore, India. His focus is in designing the dynamics of sustainable systems. His focus is in designing the dynamics of sustainable systems. With active interest in social research and design, he attempts to give a form based understanding to social research by creating installations with ethnographic field data. His previous work, Used in India in collaboration with CKS, has been exhibited at British Council, New Delhi, at Doors 8, India, at Kiasma during Pixelache 2005 Helsinki and at Bombayseers Lille. Formally trained as an architect from Manipal faculty of architecture, Karthikeya has a masters degree in interaction design from the Interaction design institute and Domus Academy, Milan.
- Alejandro Tamayo, Juha Huuskonen: Pixelazo in Colombia
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