This expedition/workshop led by artist Otto Karvonen and artist-curator Jon Irigoyen, focused on Kallio, a neighbourhood that is undergoing a process of change, from a traditional working class neighbourhood into a new centre of creative culture. The Helsinki city urban development plan for the areas of Sörnäistenranta and Hermanninranta is the starting point for the process.
The expedition/workshop explored the positive and negative effects of this change and how they are visible in the everyday reality. The expedition/workshop language was in English.
Documentation and ongoing discussion can be found on the dedicated blog:http://kallioexpedition.wordpress.com/
La/Sa. 18.6. klo 12.00-17.00: Urban Expedition
Starting point at Sörnäinen metro station (Vaasanpolku entrance, near to 'Otto' machine). We will start with a picnic nearby, please bring a contribution of food/snacks/drinks, and afterwards we will walk around Kallio’s public space.
The walking tour will concentrate on traces of change in the neighbourhood: what are the things that mark the old times and what are those that mark the new ones? What is happening in the area: gentrification, displacements, new buildings and their symbolism..
During the walk we will discuss how public spaces are used and perceived, and we will add our comments and suggestions and we will realize some smalls interventions in the area.
Su/Su. 19.6. klo 13.00-16.00 (or as agreed): Workshop
(Cancelled, as similar activity was incorporated into the Saturday event)
Analysis and conclusion, bringing together the documentation and experiences of the previous day, we will analyse and discuss the public space of the city, focusing in Kallio neighbourhood, and the future and 'prospects' of this area in transition.
Please sign up to expedition/workshop by sending email to jon.irigoyen [-at-] pixelache .ac
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