Dave will talk about FoAM, who are bringing their Groworld Bazaar to Pixelache in March. He will give more context and background to this project as well as revealing other related and not so related work that FoAM has been developing in recent years. As well as explaining FoAM's work in connecting plants and people, the talk will include cooking recipes, livecoding, robot cats playing chess, and demos of prototype computer games. http://fo.am
Dave was raised on an early education in weaving, bell ringing and 8bit computers, and is now a software artist and enthusiastic livecoding performer, in a band called slub. His background is in computer graphics and R&D an he is now a full time free software developer based in Helsinki, Finland, publishing all code he writes under the GPL licence and working for FoAM, an independant art and research group. http://www.pawfal.org/dave
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Watch video-clips about LIREC / LIving with Robots and InteractivE Companions research referred to in presentation.
Look photo documentations of the event itself.
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