Welcome to Coop Camp in Tampere!
This trans-disciplinary weekend of events aims to connect the practice of informal cultural cooperation and formal cooperatives (kulttuuriosuuskunta) in Pirkkanmaa and wider Finland. Including the network cultural scenes of Pispala Kulttuuriyhdistys and Pixelache Helsinki, this event follows the ICA Global Research Conferenceheld in Mikkeli in late August. At the conference most of the arguments promoting cooperative entrepreneurship were socio-economical, with few cultural and practitioner voices. Welcome to join us, take part and share yours!
The Coop Camp is a tietotalkoot event, an occasion to learn about cooperatives, to share experiences, stories and practices of different types of cooperativism, as well as a place to ask for co-operators, gathering not only local Finnish cultural perspectives and ambitions, but also those of a more international networked scene. Hence, the weekend starts in Tampere centre with a keynote presentation by Franz Nahrada from Vienna, about the Global Villages Network; and continues on the Saturday in Pispala neighbourhood with informal presentations, screenings and activities from lunchtime to evening.
On Saturday, the Coop Camp event takes an open organisational style, unconference/Barcamp style: Instead of pre-selecting all presentations, we encourage certain people to come, as well as make open call for those to turn up on day to share their ideas, perspectives, processes of cooperation. Not limited to just speaking presentations, participants can propose any type of activity that relates or suits cooperation or cooperative action, for example, cooking, construction, game-play, movement or physical actions, problem-solving, and so on.
Latest info about schedule & contributions: http://muistio.tieke.fi/pv11-coopcamp
Support for Participants
If you are looking for accomodation support, we recommend using Couchsurfing network in Tampere, or Dream Hostel.
There may be support for covering 1 way train/coach travel from nearby town/city in Finland (e.g. Helsinki, Pori, Turku, Jyväskylä) via Pixelversity (write to Andrew below stating your motivation).
Mikko Lipiäinen (Tampere): mikko.lipiainen [-at-] gmail.com
Markus Petz (Tampere, who can help with couchsurfers): ravenwyn [-at-] gmail.com
Andrew Paterson (Helsinki): +358 504023828, agryfp [-at-] pixelache.ac
Franz Nahrada's travel to Tampere is supported by the Austrian Embassy in Helsinki.

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Coop Camp is a trans-disciplinary weekend of events aiming to connect the practice of informal cooperation and formal cooperatives in Pirkanmaa and wider Finland. The event is facilitated by Pispala Cultural Association and Pixelache Helsinki. This is a ‘tietotalkoot’ event, an occasion to learn about cooperatives, to share experiences, stories and practices of different types of cooperativism, as well as a place to ask for co-operators, gathering not only local Finnish cultural perspectives and ambitions, but also those of a more international networked scene.